What we do
We offer our clients access to our two core products:
The Bulletin
The Digest
Our premium product offers in-depth insight into Russian politics, covering both current developments and longer-term trends. We base much of our content on Russian sources and our sources inside Russia.
A concise weekly summary that highlights key events, offering clarity on their significance and context
Each Bulletin is made up of approximately 10,000 words in three sections:
Events: We meticulously analyze pivotal moments.
Actors: We examine key players and their strategies.
Processes: We unravel the longer-term trends shaping Russia's reality.
While not as comprehensive as The Bulletin, it distills essential details into a succinct format.
It offers a prompt and clear perspective on the week's most significant developments.
It complements The Bulletin by focusing on broader trends.
The Bulletin is issued on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, except in August.
We also release special reports in response to significant events, such as wars or major political shifts.
Released every Monday, with occasional exceptions.
Ideal for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of Russian politics and wanting exclusive insights into decision-making, trends, interactions, and the logic behind them.
All subscribers to The Bulletin will gain complimentary access to the R.Politik Weekly Digest, ensuring they remain updated with both in-depth and weekly snapshots of Russian politics.
The Bulletin
Our premium product offers in-depth insight into Russian politics, covering both current developments and longer-term trends. We base much of our content on Russian sources and our sources inside Russia.
Each Bulletin is made up of approximately 10,000 words in three sections:
Events: We meticulously analyze pivotal moments.
Actors: We examine key players and their strategies.
Processes: We unravel the longer-term trends shaping Russia's reality.
The Bulletin is issued on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, except in August.
We also release special reports in response to significant events, such as wars or major political shifts.
Ideal for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of Russian politics and wanting exclusive insights into decision-making, trends, interactions, and the logic behind them.
All subscribers to The Bulletin will gain complimentary access to the R.Politik Weekly Digest, ensuring they remain updated with both in-depth and weekly snapshots of Russian politics.
The Digest
A concise weekly summary that highlights key events, offering clarity on their significance and context
While not as comprehensive as The Bulletin, it distills essential details into a succinct format.
It offers a prompt and clear perspective on the week's most significant developments.
It complements The Bulletin by focusing on broader trends.
Released every Monday, with occasional exceptions.
Custom research & analysis
As one of the world’s leading analytical firms concentrated on Russia and the Eastern European region, R.Politik can get you the answers you require.
If you are in need of analyses related to Russia and the region, Russian domestic or foreign politics, on matters of energy or security, or others, please send us an inquiry at rpolitik@rpolitik.com
Inquiries will be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on R.Politik’s capacity, the length and scope of the analysis required, and other factors. Details, including subject, deadlines, and remuneration will be agreed upon individually with each customer. R.Politik’s team will work to provide you with discreet, exclusive, expert information.
What We Are Looking At
Elite infighting
Geopolitics, foreign policy & ‘active measures’
Energy policy & the energy sector
Internal dynamics of the military & the security services
Putin’s personal priorities
Interplay of economic & social issues with domestic policy
Significant criminal cases & their political ramifications
Elections, approval ratings & key sociological data
Economic & political developments in the Arctic
Domestic policy ‘overseers’ in the Kremlin & the opposition
Major political parties (Communist Party, Liberal Democrat Party & Just Russia)
Hirings and firings among the elite and in leading state-owned companies